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Share your unique referral link below with collaborators and friends. Each signup made via your link will boost you in line!
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Build a reputation as a producer who delivers. On-time. Under-budget.

First cohort access opens November 21st
First 100 in-line receive Early Bird Discount!
Mula is releasing access in batches and via invitation!

After months of preparation, Mula’s project management tool is here. Your partner in growing your production career, Mula is designed for those stepping into bigger projects and collaborations.

We will be releasing access in batches. First come first serve, you will be able to move up in line by sharing your referral link with collaborators. The more friends you have sign-up, the faster you all move up in line!

The first 100 in-line come launch day will receive our Early Bird 50% Discount for the first two months on-platform! Can’t wait to see you soon 🤗

Waitlist [526]