Collaborate. Create. Get Paid Together.

With Mula's Production Squads, streamline communication and effortlessly split payments. Handle all your logistics in one place, so you can focus on your creativity.
Create a Squad Now
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Squad Up for Effortless Collaboration

Build a consistent team with shared goals. From editors to videographers, Mula's Squads keeps everyone on track and in sync.
Enhance team collaboration and unity
Simplify payment distribution among collaborators
On-platform communication

Communication Made Simple

Say goodbye to cluttered inboxes. With Mula Squads, all project discussions are in one convenient location.
Streamline project communication
Keep all team members informed and engaged
Enhance project tracking and progress monitoring
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Streamlined Communication and Payment in One Place

Mula is the industry’s most seamless production management solution. We enable teams of all sizes, from every corner of entertainment.
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Team Logistics Made Easy

Streamline your team's workflow with Mula's Squads. Manage projects, split payments, and track progress all in one place.
Smooth project management
Update teams quickly within Squads
Team-wide, real-time tracking
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Fair and Transparent Pay Splits

Eliminate the headaches of payment concerns disputes. With Mula, everyone gets their fair share automatically, every time.
Automated payment distribution to save time and energy
Transparent breakdowns for trust and clarity
Timely payouts to keep the creative momentum going
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Communications, Centralized

No more sifting through emails or scattered messages. Communicate with your Squad within Mula, where every conversation is organized and easily accessible.
Efficient on-platform communication
Keep relevant info and discussion in one location
Encourage active participation from all collaborators

Easy Planning

Simplify project management for smoother collaboration. Why continue with one-off groupchats and emails?

Pay Made Simple

Eliminate the headaches of payment disputes. With Mula, everyone gets their fair share and 1099 documents, every time.

Communicate Clearly

Communicate with your Squad within Mula, where every conversation is organized and easily accessible.

Revitalize Your Collaborations with Mula

Collaborate, communicate, and create without friction. With Mula Squads, you take the lead in creativity, and we handle the logistics. Simplify your work, empower your team, and focus on what you do best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a some of the most common questions we get about Mula
How does Mula facilitate collaboration between team members and external collaborators?
Mula offers various collaboration tools such as shared workspaces, real-time updates, and on-platform chat. These features enable team members and external collaborators to work seamlessly together, share insights, and efficiently manage projects.
Can Mula help me track 3rd-party collaborations and contractor payments?
Yes, Mula provides efficient tracking of 3rd-party collaborations and contractor payments, ensuring that all external interactions are transparent, manageable, and aligned with your project goals.
How does Mula's platform support team collaboration and project management?
Mula's platform is designed to facilitate collaboration and project management. Teams can work seamlessly together, regardless of their physical location.
Can I set user permissions and roles within Mula to manage my team effectively?
Yes, Mula allows you to set user permissions and roles, enabling you to define access levels and responsibilities within your team. This ensures that each team member can effectively contribute while maintaining data integrity and security.
How does Mula support on-platform chat, and can I integrate it with other communication tools?
On-platform chat enables seamless communication between team members, collaborators, and contractors.
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